List of publications

You will find below the list with PDF of the drafts and LaTeX bib code of the publications.

All PDFs are drafts of the camera-ready paper!


Smart Grid theme


Soufian BEN AMOR (LI-PaRAD EA7432)

Marc BUI (EPHE-PSL UMR 8546)


NRLAB, Energy 4 Climate

Energy Chair

EPIT2.0 (End)

Versailles STATION (End)

V2G PSA (End)

Smart Grid: Optimization


@article{ahat2013smart, title={Smart grid and optimization}, author={Ahat, Murat and Amor, Soufian Ben and Bui, Marc and Bui, Alain and Gu{\'e}rard, Guillaume and Petermann, Coralie}, year ={2013}, publisher={Scientific Research Publishing} }


@phdthesis{guerard2014optimization, title={Optimization of the diffusion of {\'e}energy in smart-grids}, author={Gu{\'e}rard, Guillaume}, year={2014}, school= {Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines} }


@inproceedings{guerard2014largest, title={Largest inscribed ball and minimal enclosing box for convex maximization problems}, author={Gu{\'e}rard, Guillaume and Tseveendorj, Ider}, booktitle={XII GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION WORKSHOP}, pages= {61--64}, year={2014} }


@article{guerard2016inscribed, title={Inscribed ball and enclosing box methods for the convex maximization problem}, author={Gu{\'e}rard, Guillaume and Tseveendorj, Ider}, journal={Optimization Letters}, volume={10 }, pages={417--432}, year={2016}, publisher={Springer} }


@inproceedings{deman2021bidding, title={BIDDING STRATEGY OF A SEASONAL STORAGE HYDROPOWER PLANT IN RESERVE MARKETS}, author={Deman, Laureen and Boucher, Quentin and Djebali, Sonia and Gu{\'e}rard, Guillaume and Clastres, Cedric} , booktitle={Energy, COVID, and Climate Change, 1st IAEE Online Conference, June 7-9, 2021}, year={2021}, organization={International Association for Energy Economics} }

Smart Grid: Systemic modeling


@inproceedings{guerard2012approach, title={Complex system approach for the modeling of Smart Grids}, author={Gu{\'e}rard, Guillaume and Amor, Soufian Ben and Bui , Alain}, booktitle={13th Roadef Conference, Angers, France}, pages={263--264}, year={2012} }


@incollection{guerard2012complex, title={A complex system approach for smart grid analysis and modeling}, author={Gu{\'e}rard, Guillaume and Ben Amor, Soufian and Bui, Alain}, booktitle={Advances in Knowledge- Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems}, pages={788--797}, year={2012}, publisher={IOS Press} }


@article{guerard2012survey, title={Survey on smart grid modeling}, author={Gu{\'e}rard, Guillaume and Amor, Soufian Ben and Bui, Alain}, journal={International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications} , volume={4}, number={4}, pages={262--279}, year={2012}, publisher={Inderscience Publishers Ltd} }


@article{amor2013methode, title={Method of Analysis of a Complex System for the Research Operational: Smart Grid}, author={Amor, Soufian Ben and Bui, Alain and Gu{\'e}rard, Guillaume}, journal={Operational Research and Help {\ `a} the French DEcision {ROADEF'13)}, year={2013} }


@inproceedings{amor2014context, title={A context-free smart grid model using complex system approach}, author={Amor, Soufian Ben and Bui, Alain and Gu{\'e}rard, Guillaume}, booktitle={2014 IEEE/ ACM 18th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications}, pages={147--154}, year={2014}, organization={IEEE} }


@inproceedings{guerard2015context, title={A context-free smart grid model using pretopologic structure}, author={Gu{\'e}rard, Guillaume and Amor, Soufian Ben and Bui, Alain}, booktitle={2015 International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS)}, pages={1--7}, year={2015}, organization={IEEE} }


author = {CATHELINEAU, Estelle and LEVY, Loup-Noe and GUERARD, Guillaume},
title = {Smart Grid: From raw data to a digital model},
publisher = {},
address = {Kaunas, Latvia},
year = 2017,
month = 05,
booktitle = {14th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues}


author = {GUERARD, Guillaume and DJEBALI, Sonia},
title = {Make the Smart Grid 'intelligent'},
type = {presentation},
publisher = {},
address = {Metz, France},
year = 2017,
month = 02,
booktitle = {18th annual conference of the French Society for Operational Research and Decision Support},
editor = {},
edition = {},
organization = {},
volume = {},
number = {},
pages = {},
isbn = {}


@inproceedings{nehai2017integration, title={Integration of the blockchain in a smart grid model}, author={Nehai, Zeinab and Gu{\'e}rard, Guillaume}, booktitle={The 14th international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI)}, volume={127}, year={2017} }


@inproceedings{amor2019systemic, title={Systemic Approach for Modeling a Generic Smart Grid}, author={Amor, Sofiane Ben and Guerard, Guillaume and Levy, Loup-No{\'e}}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology}, pages={15--22}, year={2019} }


@inproceedings{levy2022modeling, title={Modeling and Recommendation System for Improving the Energy Performance of Buildings}, author={L{\'e}vy, Loup-No{\'e} and Bosom, J{\'e}r {\'e}mie and Guerard, Guillaume and Amor, Soufian Ben and Tran, Hai}, booktitle={Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 2: Special Sessions 18th International Conference 18}, pages={206--209}, year={2022}, organization={Springer} }


title={Recommendation system infrastructure for the energy efficiency of buildings},
author={GUERARD, Guillaume and LEVY, Loup-Noe and BEN AMOR, Sofiane},
booktitle={ECMLPKDD2022 PhD Track},


@article{levy2022devops, title={DevOps Model Appproach for Monitoring Smart Energy Systems}, author={L{\'e}vy, Loup-No{\'e} and Bosom, J{\'e}r{\' e}mie and Guerard, Guillaume and Amor, Soufian Ben and Bui, Marc and Tran, Hai}, journal={Energies}, volume={15}, number={15}, pages={5516}, year={2022 }, publisher={MDPI} }

title = {Survey and insights on digital twins design and smart grid's applications},
journal = {Future Generation Computer Systems},
year = {2023},
issn = {0167-739X},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Sonia Djebali and Guillaume Guerard and Ihab Taleb},
keywords = {Digital twin, DevOps, Smart grid, Design methodology},
abstract = {Digital twins are a promising technology for simulating complex systems, especially in the smart grid domain. This paper offers a comprehensive literature review on digital twins, focusing on data gathering, data management, and human-in-the-loop control design aspects. Emphasizing the integration of AI and machine learning in big data, it enhances analytics and decision-making capabilities. We introduce a collaborative framework involving multiple stakeholders to maximize the potential of digital twins. The paper examines digital twin applications in smart grids, covering areas like asset management, predictive maintenance, energy optimization, and demand response. By synthesizing research and implementing findings, we identify trends, challenges, and opportunities in the field.}

Smart Grid: Multi-agent systems


@inproceedings{guerard2018multi, title={Multi-agent Model for Domotics and Smart Houses.}, author={Guerard, Guillaume and Levy, Loup-No{\'e} and Pousseur, Hugo}, booktitle={SMARTGREENS}, pages ={223--230}, year={2018} }


@inproceedings{guerard2020jade, title={JADE Modeling for Generic Microgrids}, author={Guerard, Guillaume and Pousseur, Hugo}, booktitle={Agents and Multi-agent Systems: Technologies and Applications 2019: 13th KES International Conference, KES-AMSTA -2019 St. Julians, Malta, June 2019 Proceedings}, pages={377--386}, year={2020}, organization={Springer} }


@inproceedings{taleb2023holonic, title={A Holonic Multi-Agent Architecture For Smart Grids.}, author={Taleb, Ihab and Gu{\'e}rard, Guillaume and Fauberteau, Fr{\'e}d{\'e }ric and Nguyen, Nga}, booktitle={ICAART (1)}, pages={126--134}, year={2023} }


@inproceedings{taleb2022modelisation, title={Multi-Agent Modeling for Island Energy Networks (demonstration). }, author={Taleb, Ihab and Gu{\'e}rard, Guillaume and Fauberteau, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Nguyen, Nga}, booktitle={JFSMA}, pages={137 --140}, year={2022} }


title={A Holonic Smart Grid Model for Isolated Areas},
author={Taleb, Ihab and Guerard, Guillaume and Fauberteau, Frédéric and Nguyen, Nga},
booktitle={ECMLPKDD2022 PhD Track},

Smart Grid: Data mining and machine learning


@inproceedings{guerard2017demand, title={Demand-Response: Let the Devices Take our Decisions.}, author={Guerard, Guillaume and Pichon, Bastien and Nehai, Zeinab}, booktitle={SMARTGREENS}, pages={119--126 }, year={2017} }


@inproceedings{guerard2020inference, title={Grammatical Inf{\'e}rence for Consumption Forecasting}, author={Guerard, G and Pousseur , H and Rivoire, M}, booktitle={National Artificial Intelligence Conference Year 2020}, pages={115}, year={2020} }


@article{guerard2021isolated, title={Isolated Areas Consumption Short-Term Forecasting Method}, author={Guerard, Guillaume and Pousseur, Hugo and Taleb, Ihab}, journal={Energies}, volume={14}, number={23 }, pages={7914}, year={2021}, publisher={MDPI} }


@inproceedings{levy2021application, title={Application of Pretopological Hierarchical Clustering for Buildings Portfolio.}, author={L{\'e}vy, Loup-No{\'e} and Bosom, J{\'e}r{\ 'e}mie and Guerard, Guillaume and Amor, Soufian Ben and Bui, Marc and Tran, Hai}, booktitle={SMARTGREENS}, pages={228--235}, year={2021} }


@inproceedings{levy2021hierarchical, title={Hierarchical Clustering of Complex Energy Systems Using Pretopology}, author={L{\'e}vy, Loup-No{\'e} and Bosom, J{\'e}r{\' e}mie and Guerard, Guillaume and Amor, Soufian Ben and Bui, Marc and Tran, Hai}, booktitle={International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems}, pages={87--106}, year={2021} , organization={Springer} }


@article{taleb2022flexible, title={A Flexible Deep Learning Method for Energy Forecasting}, author={Taleb, Ihab and Guerard, Guillaume and Fauberteau, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Nguyen, Nga}, journal={Energies}, volume={15}, number={11}, pages={3926}, year={2022}, publisher={MDPI} }


title={Pretopology-based Clustering for Mixed Data},
author={GUERARD, Guillaume and LEVY, Loup-Noe and BEN AMOR, Sofiane},
booktitle={Annual Congress of the French Society of Operational Research and Aid {\` a} the Decision (ROADEF 2023)},



Sonia Djebali DVRC

Lille Métropole Chair

Bordeaux Métropole Chair

Tourism: Systemic modeling


author = {GUERARD, Guillaume and DJEBALI, Sonia},
title = {Tourism Management through the Big Data Paradigm},
type = {presentation},
publisher = {Springer - Applied Network Science Journal},
address = {virtual},
year = 2021,
month = 05,
booktitle = {French Regional Conference on Complex Systems FRCCS},
editor = {David Chavalarias, Hocine Cherifi},
edition = {},
organization = {},
volume = {},
number = {},
pages = {},
isbn = {}


@inproceedings{djebali2022hierarchical, title={Hierarchical Clustering and Measure for Tourism Profiling}, author={Djebali, Sonia and Gabot, Quentin and Guerard, Guillaume}, booktitle={Asia-Pacific Web (APWeb) and Web-Age Information Management ( WAIM) Joint International Conference on Web and Big Data}, pages={158--165}, year={2022}, organization={Springer} }

Tourism: Data mining and machine learning


@inproceedings{ben2019tourist, title={Tourist's tour prediction by sequential data mining approach}, author={Ben Baccar, Lilia and Djebali, Sonia and Gu{\'e}rard, Guillaume}, booktitle={Advanced Data Mining and Applications: 15th International Conference, ADMA 2019, Dalian, China, November 21--23, 2019, Proceedings 15}, pages={681--695}, year={2019}, organization={Springer} }


author = {DJEBALI, Sonia and GUERARD, Guillaume},
title = {Prediction of tourist behavior by mining patterns and sequential rules},
type = {presentation},
publisher = {},
address = {Montpellier, France},
year = 2020,
month = 02,
booktitle = {21st edition of the annual congress of the French Society for Operational Research and Decision Support},
editor = {},
edition = {},
organization = {},
volume = {},
number = {},
pages = {},
isbn = {}


@inproceedings{demessance2021hidden, title={Hidden markov model to predict tourists visited places}, author={Demessance, Theo and Bi, Chongke and Djebali, Sonia and Gu{\'e}rard, Guillaume}, booktitle={2021 22nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM)}, pages={209--216}, year={2021}, organization={IEEE} }


@inproceedings{djebali2022tourists, title={Tourists Profiling by Interest Analysis}, author={Djebali, Sonia and Gabot, Quentin and Gu{\'e}rard, Guillame}, booktitle={International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications}, pages={42--53}, year={2022}, organization={Springer} }


@inproceedings{deseure2022clustering, title={Clustering Method for Touristic Photographic Spots Recommendation}, author={Deseure-Charron, Flavien and Djebali, Sonia and Gu{\'e}rard, Guillaume}, booktitle={International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications}, pages={223--237}, year={2022}, organization={Springer} }



Soufian BEN AMOR (LI-PaRAD EA7432)

SMSMode Chair

Elevate-labs Chair


@inproceedings{donadio2021collection, title={Collection of the Main Anti-Virus Detection and Bypass Techniques}, author={Donadio, J{\'e}r{\'e}my and Guerard, Guillaume and Amor, Soufian Ben}, booktitle={Network and System Security: 15th International Conference, NSS 2021, Tianjin, China, October 23, 2021, Proceedings 15}, pages={222--237}, year={2021}, organization={Springer} }


author = {BICHET, Lucas and GUERARD, Guillaume and BEN AMOR, Soufian},
title = {Survey on Javascript Engines Fuzzers},
type = {PhD Track},
publisher = {},
address = {Online},
year = 2023,
month = 06,
booktitle = {The International Symposium on Cyber Security, Cryptology and Machine Learning (CSCML)}

Health - biotech


Anais AUGIAS and Philippe CHARLIER (LAAB UR 20202)

Soufian BEN AMOR (LI-PaRAD EA7432)

Nora Mezani ESEO


@article{augias2021usom, title={USoM platform. Proposal for an international and transdisciplinary interactive tool for centralization and anthropological exchange around human remains}, author={Augias, A and Amor, S Ben and Charlier, P and Guerard, G}, journal={Ethics, Medicine and Public Health}, volume={18}, pages={100677}, year={2021}, publisher={Elsevier} }